Saturday, February 27, 2021


Unbridled kisses diffuse
The soul creating trust and love--
What? now you want to tear my clothes off?
What happened to your loving touch?

Gentleness reaps kindness and mercy,
Passion breeds remorse, scars the soul;
Why do you tell yourself this kind of violence is love?
Where is the saved human condition here?

God's sword is meant to be contained,
Reserved for fine tuning and rapture; 
Listen: rippling laughter is emerging: breathe deeply--
It's burried under fear :compressed pain.

Leave me with your tears-- releasing your anger knot,
(even if I cant find you) knowing you can love again;
Loving kindness is wealth, both spiritual and material,
It transforms passion through joy of life's breath.

Reveal your light, lifting the Buddha's feet,
Whatever is left after the storm severs branches;
Depth of perception brings resplendency;
Looking upwards, a rainbow offers it's blessing!