Tuesday, July 16, 2019

So many gardens I’ve grown yet always for others;
But temporary temples betwixt and between worlds:
Yamas and niyamas, yoga postures and bills to pay,
Forgive my debt great fathers, grandmothers,
As I melt into essential essence,
A moment synchronous with dreamtime.

White dahlas hang their sleepy heads as
Her perfume wafts gently...
Sunset explodes while I find kindness,
Centered in the expanding lightness of being
Fushia peony bobbing it’s pettled face, below the
Redwood tree in full sunlight,
As if to say ‘all is well’!
Welcome to my garden of peace, love and light
In the evening light while singing in the Temple of Divine Mother exists.

Sometimes I think the only thing that really exists is love,
Sometimes I don't know what a single thing is---
Then the wisdom comes, with fragrant effulgence,
like so many gardens I’ve grown yet always for others;
But temporary temples betwixt and between worlds.

Sunset explodes while I find kindness,
Centered in the Expanding Light' patio garden
Fushia peony bobbing it’s head below the redwood tree,
In full sunlight, Sat Chit Ananda........
Welcome to my garden of peace, love and light
In the evening light while singing in the Temple of Divine Mother exists.